Monday, 30 July 2012

Tokyo: Ikebukuro

I've taken way too long to get it up, but this'll probably be the last of the blogs on Tokyo. 

Emilie and I went to Ikebukuro on one day to go to a cat cafe. We ended up going to Nekobukuro, which wasn't a cafe, but still had a lot of cats. You basically pay a small fee to enter, then you have about an hour to play with loads of cats. 8D

Hahaa, I saw loads of people trying to stroke this little guy, but I was the only one tall enough.

There were little areas that visitors couldn't get to like this, for cats that were sleeping or had been fighting.
They were all decorated really cutely. 

Pretty sure this is how Hello Kitty would look in real life.

This cat, appropriate named Scar, was just as grumpy as he looks ahaha. So cute.

Cat-related puns on metro station names.

Name stickers!

After Nekobukuro, Emilie had to go and view an apartment, so I stayed in the area to explore a bit. I found a Closet Child and bought a CD or two, then went to Book Off (second hand book/CD shop) and found a couple of Malice Mizer CDs:
I actually thought the one on the left was just a photo book when I bought it, but it turns out it includes a CD (Bara no Seidou), which is now my favourite Malice Mizer album.

I didn't take many photos, but Sunshine City (the area of Ikebukuro we were in) is lovely, and you should definitely go there if you're ever in Tokyo.

Here is Kyary in a KFC window. 

After some shopping, I was approached by a hairdresser/make up artist, who asked me to model for him (this actually happened a few times while I was in Tokyo, strangely, but I was always busy). He said he wouldn't need to cut my hair, and I didn't really have anything to do, so I agreed, and we went back to the salon he worked at for a spontaneous mini photo shoot. I'm really glad I have experience with hair modelling, because I honestly only understood about 40% of what he was saying because I didn't have the vocabulary for the situation, and the rest I just had to guess based on experience haha. Turns out these things go pretty much exactly the same in every country though, so it all turned out fine. 

After, I went and got super cheap udon :D
I love how fast these places were. 



  1. Awww, all the cats are so cute! Love the name stickers too! Looks like you had a nice day! :)
