Tuesday, 22 May 2012

22/05/2012 - "sushi noms" and a shoot

First, let me tell you about sushi noms, the new business of my boyfriend and his brother. sushi noms sells imported Japanese accessories/cute things, and also sushi at events (the sushi is not imported from Japan, obviously)! The webshop isn't up yet, but they'll be at London Expo this weekend. I'll be helping out (with Alex's girlfriend, Emilie!), so come and see us if you're there! In the meantime, please like the Facebook page! C: Here are just a few of the things we'll be selling:
Rilakkuma ice cream pen!

Festival-themed Hello Kitty phone straps. I love these things haha.

Today was such a nice day! Unfortunately I spent a lot of it in a cold studio, but it was nice when I was outside. I was really lazy with clothes and dressed like a farmer:
I really can't pull off tank tops lol, but it was hot so I don't really care. 

I did a creative beauty shoot (which means "crazy make up shoot") with the make up artist Jihye Sim. Her work is awesome, so go check it out! It was a really fun shoot; all very laid back and everyone involved was lovely. And they gave me food, which is always appreciated. 8)

I was a bit late, because somehow I missed my stop by about 3 stations without realising the train had stopped at all, but there was another model whose make up was done first, so it was alright. Her make up took quite a while, so I was chatting to the photographer and her friend/assistant for ages, and it turns out we have similar tastes in music (and circle lenses haha). 8D During the shoot they were playing techno and such, which made a nice change from the horrible music that I often have to put up with. 

I didn't get a photo of my make up, but it was really cool. I think it'd best be described as abstract and colourful. I'm aware that doesn't really give you any idea how it looks, so you'll just have to wait for the photos. I also had a half-mask on for a few of the photos, but it didn't fit my face properly lol, so I ended up just holding it. At some point they also decided to paint my tongue green. With face paint. So that was interesting (and tasted horrific). 

Also, are any of you seeing LM.C in London tomorrow? 8D Come and talk to me if you are~


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