Sunday, 16 December 2012


I was going to try to get some Christmas shopping done today, but the weather was awful so I just stayed in and took photos lol. 

I wanted to wear my new JSG hoodie, so I tried a sort of gyaru-inspired look today:
Thinking about it now, this would probably look better with platform boots, so I'll probably try that next time~

Make up and accessories:
I actually really liked my make up today, but you can barely see it because I couldn't find anywhere light enough to get a decent photo with my camera, so I had to use my iPhone. :< 

This one is super blurry, but I wanted to show the ears of the hoodie.

In other news, I'm modelling in a fashion show later this month! 8D I've only done photo shoots before, so I'm kind of nervous (what if I fall over dsjksjk), but really excited! I went to a fitting yesterday, and the designs are really cool~ 

I leave you with some Taiwanese metal, because it's excellent. 8)


  1. Oh wow you look stunning in this style!!!

  2. where can I get your body> *^* how do you stay so thin?

  3. I like this outfit with the pumps- shows off your stunning legs! *_*

    (P.S, my glasses giveaway ends in a few hours, so please enter if you get the chance! :) You can buy prescription or fashion glasses with the prize! :D )

  4. You look adorable! The style really suits you *//3//*

  5. You wear gyaru coords really well! Also, great to see you're a fan of Chthonic - they're brilliant!

  6. You look great! And I love your make up also~~ !

  7. Congrats Fin, I bet you would even fall with a grace ;) If Agyness can, you can as well XD

  8. Why is it you can pull off any style you try so easily. That jsg hoodie is adorable! I think also flatforms might be nice to
