Friday, 4 January 2013

A few outfit shots

Yesterday was my last day in London. :c My sister and I went shopping in Camden because she wanted something from Cyberdog and I need new shoes. I didn't actually find anything I wanted though. :< Here's what I wore anyway:

I've been wearing my hair in bunches quite often these days because it desperately needs cutting, so it looks pretty bad when it's down, but is easy to tie up. I kinda like it tied up, though. I also tried different lashes and was playing around with eyeshadow gradients, but it didn't show up very well in the photo. :< It gets dark so early these days, and it seems like I can only get make up to show properly when there's natural light.

And here are a couple of recent outfits I haven't posted here:

This was a day where I was too lazy to do anything, but still had to go out. I wore a wig because I was having a bad hair day haha.

Song of the day:


  1. Okay, so I fucking fallen in love with you and your style...!!! *_* really you are amazing! I love all the clothes you wear and everything..!
    lots of kisses^^

  2. You look perfect as always *v*

  3. You look great as always, I love your platform boots :O

  4. I really love the first outfit and omg your legs.. ;_; I'm so envy!

  5. I am in love with your first outfits ^-^
