Monday, 22 October 2012

World Zombie Day

Last weekend I went back to London for World Zombie Day! There was a zombie pub crawl, but my friends and I wanted to do other things, so we only stayed with them for about 15 minutes haha. 

I was a zombie maid:
Probably would have looked better with blood on the apron, but I didn't want to destroy it.

We did purikura: 

After, Adam dragged us off to his friend's house party, because he didn't want to be the only zombie there looool. It was actually a lot of fun, and we even managed to get someone there to put on zombie make up. 

Also, I finally got to see the photo from a hair shoot I did with Room 97 earlier this year. There's so much Photoshop haha, I only realised it was me because I recognised the outfit: 
I'd love to do more shoots like this, though.

Finally, are any of you going to MCM Expo this weekend? I most likely won't be going inside the actual event, but it'd be great to see some of you! I have no idea what to do about cosplay, though. D: 


  1. Oooh!! Lovely *_* I love Zombie movies, haha~~ I need to dress up like this too.. xD and wow, the photoshoot picture!

  2. I'm going to be rocking it with JPU Records at MCM yooo!! I'll probably be running all over telling anyone and everyone about the gazette so YOU WILL SEE ME!!

  3. Perfect look for Halloween ;D
    And your purikura guys is gorgeous !


  4. Perfect outfit for halloween, you look so cool! And I love the photo from your photoshoot, you look amazing!

  5. I love the purikura picture and your modelling picture. Speaking of maids, I'm going to the expo as one!

    1. Yay, come and say hi if you see me! I should be wearing it too~
